lundi 8 février 2016

Summary about "Every kid needs a champion" video

Rita Pierson has been a teacher for 40 years, so she's got a lot of knowledge and experience about teaching, so by anecdotes she expains that being a teacher it isn't only about theaching, it's about giving confidence to the pupils, know how to apologize them, how to understand them, motivate them... and maybe the most important make them feel someone.
I totally agree with her, so as a chess player I found out that a person can have a lot of knowledge and experience, but not everyone can have the ability to transmit this knowledge, and passion for learning.  

Rita Pierson at the end of the speech makes a short summary:
"Teaching and learning should bring joy, how powerful would our world be, if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think. Every child deserves a CHAMPION: An adult who will never give up on them, who will understand the power of connection and insist that they become the best that they possibly be."

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Informal writing

Hi Jim!!
It was nice to herd news from you, I was wondering how was everything in Scotland.
You asked me to explain you some information, and advice, of what we're gonna do here in Girona when you come on holidays.

First of all, I must say that Girona province is huge; I mean, here we've got such amazing mountains with snow in winter, so maybe if you come at christmas , we'll be able to go skiing. We also have all kind of beaches , from sandy beaches to pebble ones. Therefore we also have some cities like Girona, Olot, Figueres, etc. For sure we'll visit to some of them and go shopping in the local market or in a mall, we'll go to the cinema, to eat something, etc.

To sum things up, I think we're gonna have such a fantastic holidays as we did in Scodland last year when I visited you.
Write me soon
James Ruiz

jeudi 6 mars 2014


Bonjour de France

Compréhension- A2

     -nº24 La muse siberienne de Matisse................5/6
     -nº7Compréhension écrite : les ados..................4/5,4/5

Jeux pour appendre le Français -A2
      -nº4 joyeuses fêtes ............................5/10
      -nº9 Vocabulaire ........................... 6 erreurs


Niveau 1

Unité 1 : les promoms relatifs (1)............................4/5
Unité 1: Lespronoms relatifs (2).............................3/5
Unité 3: le discurs raporté(1) .................................5/7
Unité 3: le discurs raporté (2)..................................4/5

Dans la villle

Unité 3: le passé composé(1)...................................6/6
Unité 3: le passé composé (2)...................................7/7

Le plasir d'appendre

Niveau A2

L'accord du participe passé avec l'auxiliare avoir............. 17/20
Les participes passés.........................................................9/10

Parcours en option: Bonjour de France
-Niveau A2:
 -Jeux pour appendre
-Le passé composé

mercredi 5 mars 2014

Notre Dame de Paris

Situation: Elle ce trouve dans la región de Ìle-de-France, a Paris.

Constructeur : Est impossible conaitrê le constructeur mais prés la revolution une restauration importente a été dirigée par l'architecte Viollet-le-Duc, qui y a incorporé des éléments et des motifs nouveaux.          

Date de construction:

alture....... 90m
red de chaussée......128 x 69 m

Il est composé pour pierres.

Destination initiale/actuelle
Il est situe dans la capital de Paris, a côte de le rivieré du Seine.

Notre Damme a inspiré le film de " Le boussu de Notre Damme".

Nombre de visiteurs:    
Environ 13 milloins par an venus du monde entier (20.000-50.000) par jour.